Viking Family: MV will be administering the KCTC survey starting on 9/13/24 to the upcoming 6th, 8th, 10th, & 12th grade students. The KCTC survey helps the school & community become aware of the areas that make learning challenging. Please go to the link below to 'OPT-IN' your student to take the KCTC survey this fall. The survey takes only 1 hour to complete. You can find more information about the KCTC survey by clicking on the link. Thank you, Mr. Hancock. LINK:
5 months ago, Jamey Hancock
A big thank you to Dr. and Mrs. Kirby Pope for becoming a Viking Pride sponsor! If you would like to become a sponsor, please contact Ben Packard at
5 months ago, Ben Packard
Viking Pride will provide a hot dog meal with chips, rice krispie treats, and water during the Tuesday open house for all families starting at 5:45 at the football complex concession stand. Be sure to come out for a meal and the back-to-school pep rally! The classroom/building open house starts at 5:00 PM. GO VIKINGS!
5 months ago, Jarrod Taylor
We had a couple of schedule changes today. 1. We added a game and will play JV football at Mission Valley against Santa Fe Trail on Monday, September 30th. 2. The JH volleyball triangular that was scheduled for Monday, September 16th at Alma has been moved to Monday, September 9th.
5 months ago, Ben Packard
REMINDER: The Misson Valley Schools open house will be on August 20th! Open House: 5 PM- 6 PM Parent/Coaches Meeting for Fall Sports: 6 PM- 6:30 PM Back to School Pep Rally: 6:30 PM- 7:30 PM We look forward to seeing all Viking Families! GO VIKES!
5 months ago, Jarrod Taylor
open house
A big thank you to BHS for all they have done with the new construction project! They are also going to be one of our Viking Pride members for this year! If you would like to donate or have questions, please contact Ben Packard at
5 months ago, Ben Packard
There will be a parents/coaches meeting at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, August 20th immediately following the open house.
5 months ago, Ben Packard
A big thank you to some more of our Viking Pride members for next year! Eskridge Lumber T&M Vacation Getaways Team Wiseman Real Estate -Michael, Troy and Brittany Wiseman If you would like to donate or have questions, please contact Ben Packard at
5 months ago, Ben Packard
92 Mission Valley student-athletes came to sports conditioning camp on the 1st day!
5 months ago, Ben Packard
We will be having conditioning camp for all JH and HS sports from 7:00am-7:40am Monday Aug. 12th - Thursday Aug. 15th on the football field. Fall sports practice starts on Monday, August 19th. Make sure physicals and concussion forms are turned in before practice starts.
5 months ago, Ben Packard
Due to officials not being available, the HS football game scheduled with Council Grove will be played on Saturday, September 14th instead of Friday, September 13th. The game will start at 11:00 am.
5 months ago, Ben Packard
REMINDER: The Wabaunsee and Pottawatomie County Safe Kids Coalition are sponsoring car safety seat checks for proper installation and condition at the Mission Valley Elementary School parking lot on Wednesday, August 7th, from 11:30-1:30. There will be a limited number of free car seats to be issued to those with defective or expired car seats. Mission Valley's SRO Angie King and USD 329's SRO Steve Bundy will be present, along with coalition staff and certified car seat technicians. This is a great time to check your seats and ensure they are fit for transporting your kids back and forth from school. GO VIKINGS!
5 months ago, Jarrod Taylor
car seats
A big thank you to some more of our Viking Pride members for next year! Coursen & Grist Trucking, LLC Higgins Stone Inc Sunflower Genetics, LLC We are going to be sending information in on Thursday, August 8th for our sports posters and pocket calendars if you'd like to be listed on them. All Gold Club Sponsors that donate $500 or more will be listed. If you would like to donate or have questions, please contact Ben Packard at
5 months ago, Ben Packard
Viking Families: This is a reminder that online enrollment for RETURNING students is still open. NEW STUDENTS to the district must enroll in person tomorrow, August 6th, from 9 AM- 7 PM in the Elementary Commons Area. Please enter the building from the Elementary doors. RETURNING students may also enroll in person tomorrow if they cannot access the online enrollment. Here are some helpful links to help you through the enrollment process: Online Enrollment Instructions: Online Fee Payment: JH/HS Supplies list: GO VIKINGS!
5 months ago, Jarrod Taylor
JH Volleyball Practice Schedule Monday 19th 3:45-5:30 pm Tuesday 20th 3:45-4:45 pm Wednesday 21st 3:45-5:30 pm Thursday 22nd 3:45-5:30 pm Friday 23rd 3:45-5:30 pm
5 months ago, Ben Packard
JH Football Practice Schedule 330-530pm Monday through Friday, August 19th-August 23rd
5 months ago, Ben Packard
HS Football Practice Schedule Monday Aug 19th 6:00am-7:30am Tuesday Aug. 20th 3:00pm-5:00pm Wednesday Aug. 21st 6:00am-8:00am Thursday Aug. 22nd 3:45pm-5:45pm Friday Aug 23rd 3:45pm-5:45pm Saturday Aug 24th 8:00am-9:30am
5 months ago, Ben Packard
JH and HS Cross Country Practice Schedule 3:30pm all week, August 19th-23rd
5 months ago, Ben Packard
HS Volleyball Practice Schedule August 19th 3:45-5:45pm (meet in coach Fredericksen’s room for concussion video @ 3:30) August 20th @ 8-10am August 21st @ 8-10am August 22nd and 23rd after school
5 months ago, Ben Packard
Fall sports practices for JH and HS football, volleyball and cross country start on Monday, August 19th. Student-athletes will not be able to participate if they don't have a physical on file in the office. We will be posting practice times for each sport, so check the Mission Valley Facebook page or the live feed for that information. If you have questions, contact athletic director Ben Packard at
5 months ago, Ben Packard