The MV Drama Department wants to invite you to the production of "Our Town" tonight @ 7:00 p.m. or Sunday @ 2:00 p.m. Admission is $7.00 for Adults and $5.00 for Students.
The MV Drama Department wants to invite you to the production of "Our Town" on Saturday @ 7:00 p.m. or Sunday @ 2:00 p.m. Admission is $7.00 for Adults and $5.00 for Students.
FCCLA will be recycling cans next week. Please bring or send any cans to be recycled to your first hour class. Prizes will be awarded to the most cans collected in 1st hour.
The NHS Food Drive has been extended to next Tuesday, November 19. The winning JH/HS class will win donuts and juice. The winning Elementary class will win an extra recess. Please bring donations to your first hour class. All food collected will be donated to the three community food banks.
Due to a reduction in the number of bus routes, there will be some schedule changes for students who ride the bus to and from school. The new routes will begin December 2. The new routes are being constructed and parent/guardians will be informed no later than November 25 of any changes. Thank you!
Junior Basketball next Monday, 11/18/19 at 4:30 pm @ Mission Valley.
Please make plans to attend Mission Valley's Drama, "Our Town" this weekend. Performances are Saturday, November 16th @ 7:00 pm and Sunday, November 17th @ 2:00 pm. Student/Child admission is $5.00 and Adults are $7.00.
Mission Valley Jr./Sr. High School
Daily Announcements
Nov. 14 – Nov. 17, 2019
Winter sports practices begin on Monday, Nov. 18th. If you weren’t out for a fall sports, make sure you have a current physical and paperwork on file in the office.
Friday, Nov. 15
FBLA National Fall Leadership Conf.
Viking SAGAS meets during seminar
Play Practice: Friday – after school
Saturday – be here @ 11 a.m.
Congratulations to the following football players who made All-League.
Nolan Parker – 1st team offensive lineback
Ben Rudeen – 1st team defensive lineback
Caidin Roberts – 2nd team linebacker
Colby Stowe – 2nd team defensive lineback
Christopher Cain – Honorable mention offensive lineback
A.J. Rubio – Honorable mention kicker
MISSING Mac book charger. If found, please turn in to the office.
The Annual NHS Canned Food Drive for all high school and junior high will be Nov. 11th through the 15th. Bring any non-perishable food/other items to your first hour class. The class with the most percentage of cans per students will be rewarded with donuts and juice.
HS--21 cans total so far. Goal is 500
Mr. Packard’s class is in the lead
The Mission Valley Drama Club will be presenting “Our Town”, by Thorton Wilder for this year’s Jr./Sr. High play. “Our Town” is a three act play that follows the everyday lives of two families, through the years 1900 to 1913, in small town Grover’s Corner, New Hampshire. This dramatic production will take you on a journey back to more simplistic times in our American history. Audience members, young and old, will be able to relate to this timeless classic. The play will be November 16th @ 7:00 PM & Nov. 17th. @ 2:00 PM
If you haven’t turned your volleyball uniform in please do so!
Cross Country runners also need to turn in their uniforms and/or warm-ups also.
HS Scholars Bowl practice every Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30 a.m.
JH Quiz Bowl practice every Wednesday morning at 7:30 a.m.
Saturday, Nov. 16
MV Drama Production – 7 p.m.
Sunday, Nov. 17
MV Drama Production – 2 p.m.
Monday, Nov. 18
7th Grade Book Club meets during seminar
NHS meets during seminar
Winter sports practices begin
JH Basketball @ MV vs. Central Hts. – 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 19
FFA Horse Judging @ Spring Hill
Student Council meets during seminar
Wednesday, Nov. 20
8th Grade Book Club meets during seminar
KAY officers meet during seminar
Thursday, Nov. 21
Emporia Robotics Competition – 8:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Jostens Ring Delivery during lunch period
FFA Chapter meeting during seminar
JH Basketball @ Chase Co. – 4:30 p.m. Bus leaves MV @ 2:00 p.m.
PSY101 – 6 p.m. in Mrs. McGann’s room
Friday, Nov. 22
Beacon for Hope speaker – 8:53 a.m. – 2:50 p.m.
Viking SAGAS during seminar
Mission Valley's Drama, "Our Town" is this weekend. Performances are Saturday, November 16th @ 7:00 pm and Sunday, November 17th @ 2:00 pm. Student/Child admission is $5.00 and Adults are $7.00.
The last day for the Annual National Honor Society Food Drive is Friday, November 15, 2019. Please bring any non-perishable food items to first hour. The class with the highest percentage will be rewarded with juice and donuts.
Please be aware of the LOCATION CHANGE for the JH Basketball games vs North Lyon County on 11-14-19 and 12-12-19. MVJH will host NLC on 11-14 and will go to NLC on 12-12. The pocket schedules had the locations turned around. Please make these changes to your schedule.
Mission Valley had 5 seniors honored last night at the KU Honors Banquet. This banquet honors students who are academically in the top 10 percent of their class. It is designed to promote academic excellence in secondary education, and to reward high school seniors for their hard work and dedication, and to support our Kansas communities.
Congratulations to Hope Martin, Maddie Widau, Emma Gustin, Sydney Gleason, and Grace Deters! Way to go Girls!!!
A 'Huge' congratulations goes to our five Kansas Honors Scholars Program (recognized by the KU Alumni Association): Emma Gustin, Sydney Gleason, Hope Martin, Grace Deters, and Madison Widau. The event took place at Washburn Rural last evening.
Sherri Jacobson's Viking saga group went to the VA yesterday for a community service project. By the looks of it, everyone had an awesome time! Thank you students for sharing your time and talents!
The Annual National Honor Society Food Drive will be held November 11-15, 2019. We encourage students to bring any non-perishable food items to first hour. The class with the highest percentage will be rewarded with juice and donuts.
You can access last night's Board of Education minutes here:
Please make plans to attend Mission Valley's Drama, "Our Town" this weekend. Performances are Saturday, November 16th @ 7:00 pm and Sunday, November 17th @ 2:00 pm. Student/Child admission is $5.00 and Adults are $7.00.
USD 330 Mission Valley would like to take time to remember and thank all Veterans for their service and sacrifice to this great nation. THANK YOU!!!
Please be aware of the LOCATION CHANGE for the JH Basketball games vs North Lyon County on 11-14-19 and 12-12-19. MVJH will host NLC on 11-14 and will go to NLC on 12-12. The pocket schedules had the locations turned around. Please make these changes to your schedule.
Please be aware of the LOCATION CHANGE for the JH Basketball games vs North Lyon County on 11-14-19 and 12-12-19. MVJH will host NLC on 11-14 and will go to NLC on 12-12. The pocket schedules had the locations turned around.