Lady Vikings fall to Council Grove in Round 1 in FHL Tournament.
Final MV 22 St. Mary's 8
Mrs. Campbell’s class displaying their Native American Region Projects today #goviking
It’s HAPPY BIRTHDAY celebration in the lunch room today #govikings
2nd Grade starting their day off with silent reading #govikings
Kindergarten starting the day off with student choice #govikings
We would like to congratulate and wish our FFA students well as they head to the National FFA Convention next week. All of these students have qualified through winning State Career Development Events.
Brogan Area
Sarah Tennison
Lizzy Anderson
Agriscience Fair
Madison Widau
Brooke Wines
Environmental Science and Natural Resources
Brandon Hittle
Caleb Hinck
Hope Thomas
Brent Coats
Chase Meyer
Code of Meeting Conduct
Allie Linhart
Paige Sims
Karlee Godfrey
McKenzie Shives
Megan Deters
Ben Rudeen
Ashton McGinley
Tanner Walker is a National Proficiency Finalist
and Tyler Phillips is receiving his American FFA Degree
If you happen to stop for gas at the 24/7 on I-70, they will donate 5 cents for every gallon of gas sold to our local Community Health Ministry. Now, that sounds like a great deal!
Just a reminder that the Health and Safety Fair will be going on tomorrow evening before the football game at the north end of the school (5-7 pm). There will be lots of prizes and giveaways so plan on going early to the game and have fun!
The 8th grade Football (Cross Country will be at League Meet) recognition will begin Thursday evening around 6:15. The Cheerleaders will be recognized with Volleyball.
Senior Recognition for fall activities will be Friday evening at the home football game.
MV.......ROCKED IT @ the Capital City Marching Band Festival
MV getting ready to ROCK Capital City Marching Band Festival
Mr. Hancock starts this week’s anti-bullying talks with students during their lunch periods. Videos and helpful words from Mr. Hancock help bring across the important message.
USD 330 is currently taking applications for the following Substitute positions: Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Secretaries, Bus Drivers, Teacher Aides, Food Service, Custodial. For additional information please contact the USD 330 District Office or visit
KATM Group #govikings
20 staff members in Manhattan today for Dr. Karen Kemp on Improving Mathematics Instruction for Students who Struggle @ KATM Conference #govikings
Colton took first in the seventh grade division. The JH team took 3rd place as a team #govikings
Kailynn Jacobson, Leni Lewis, Parker Durkin, Morgan Campbell, Joe Wayman, Colton Appelhanz, Jena Grame, and Kyplee Jacobson competed at Mental Math Day at West Franklin #govikings