The baseball and softball games for today have been moved to Mission Valley. They will start at 4:30 pm. Concessions will be limited due to the late switch. If you have questions, please contact athletic director Ben Packard.
9 months ago, Ben Packard
Congratulations to Emma Slade for being selected District 2 winner of the 2024 Jack Dresslar KIAAA Scholarship! There are only four winners in the state each year.
9 months ago, Ben Packard
Mission Valley will be hosting regional baseball between Wednesday, May 8th and Thursday, May 16th. Regional softball will be at Alma on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 14th and May 15th. Regional track will be at Erie on Friday, May 17th. We will put out more information as we get closer to these dates. Go Vikings!
10 months ago, Ben Packard
JV baseball plays at home against Wabaunsee starting at 4:00. Go Vikings!
10 months ago, Ben Packard
Mission Valley Jr./Sr. High is proud to introduce the 2024-25 Jr. High and High School Cheerleaders and the 2024-25 Golden Girls Dance Team! Congratulations to all, and GO VIKES!
10 months ago, Jarrod Taylor
Golden Girls Dance
HS Cheer
Jr. High Cheer
Here is the link for results at the track meet today at Silver Lake.
10 months ago, Ben Packard
Our baseball and softball teams take on Council Grove today. Softball is at Mission Valley. Baseball is at Soden's Grove in Emporia. Go Vikings!
10 months ago, Ben Packard
US Air Force Vietnam War Veteran, Mr. John Robinson, visited w/Mr. Ryan West's 6th & 7th hour American History classes to provide his experiences being deployed to Vietnam, insight while in theater, & his experiences upon returning to the U.S. #58479 #POWMIA #YOUARENOTFORGOTTEN
10 months ago, Jamey Hancock
Mission Valley gifted and enrichment students in 4th through 8th grades participated in the annual SUMday contest last weekend, going up against hundreds of students from area schools in two challenging competitive mathematics exams. Elly Packard, Twyla Lohr-Miller, Samson Doud, Samantha Whitten, Harper George, Ezra Spangler, and Archie Lake competed. Kaden Fritz, Layton Chesmore, Will Packard, and Nolan Wolfe received honors for finishing in the top ten. Congratulations!
10 months ago, Ben Packard
The freshmen PE/Health class is learning about CPR/AED training today.
10 months ago, Ben Packard
The HS track team travels to Silver Lake on Thursday. Silver Lake is having a walking taco meal (see attached).
10 months ago, Ben Packard
3rd-6th parents, If you have not returned your childs state assessment notes of encouragement, please do so by tomorrow (Thurs). if you meed another set, please email
10 months ago, Amy Johnston
Thank you to Brooke Terrapin, owner of MidWest Twist and past Miss Rodeo USA, Miss Rodeo Kansas and Miss Rodeo K-State for coming to Mission Valley today to share her knowledge about the agriculture and fashion industries and the importance of grit and determination to be a successful entrepreneur! We loved having her as a guest speaker for Mr. Fiske’s & Mrs. Bergin’s classes today!
10 months ago, Randy Wild
Congratulations to Porter Deters, Kyplee Jacobson and Kai Jacobson. They were named honorable mention all state in basketball by one or both of KSHSAA Covered and Sports in Kansas.
10 months ago, Ben Packard
Reminder... Class pictures are tomorrow (Tuesday). Order forms will be sent home at a later date.
10 months ago, Amy Johnston
Elementary class pictures are on Tuesday.
10 months ago, Ben Packard
Baseball and softball games are on for today at Oskaloosa starting at 4:30. Go Vikings!
10 months ago, Ben Packard
Congratulations to Harper and Raiden for winning the drawing from our MVE Scratch Fundraiser! $1,719 was raised by students in PK-6th to continue funding activities like Family Night, STEM Day, Viking Leaders and more! Thank you to all that participated!
10 months ago, Amy Johnston
scratch fundraiser
1A State Powerlifting Results (Conway Springs) Emma Slade (Women’s PWT) 🥇1st place  in the squat @ 325lbs 🥇1st place in the cleans @ 180lbs 🥈2nd place in bench press @ 180lbs 🥇 1st place Overall Congratulations Emma!
10 months ago, Ben Packard
Hey Vikings! Come out and support our theater department tonight as they present Clue at 7pm! FCCLA is serving a meal from 5:30-6:30pm prior to the show for a suggested donation of $8/person.
10 months ago, Randy Wild