Our theme for tonight's boys game is USA. Come out and support the boys against Cair Paravel. Go Vikings!
almost 2 years ago, Ben Packard
The HS boys basketball team plays at 7:00 pm on Monday against Cair Paravel. The girls play Tuesday against Oskaloosa at 7:00 pm. Both games are at Mission Valley. Tickets are $6 for students and $8 for adults. No passes will be accepted. Go Vikings!
almost 2 years ago, Ben Packard
Scratch card & donations due TOMORROW (Mon, Feb 27)!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Johnston
Thank you to our always amazing MV PTO for providing great meals each night for teachers during Family Conferences.
almost 2 years ago, Randy Wild
Elementary Fundraiser scratch cards & donations are due Monday, February 27th. Students that bring in all spots scratched & donation will be added to a drawing for either a leggo kid or Amazon gift card. Please call the elementary office with any questions.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Johnston
Substate brackets are out. The boys play Monday and girls play Tuesday. Both games are at Mission Valley. Go Vikings!
almost 2 years ago, Ben Packard
Our Eskridge Care Center is hosting small exhibit of 2021-2023 Mission Valley student art throughout March. Stop in and check out some local talent to support the fine arts @ USD 330.
almost 2 years ago, Randy Wild
We are looking forward to seeing all of our Viking Families this week for conferences! Wednesday-Thursday 4pm-8pm. GO VIKINGS!
almost 2 years ago, Randy Wild
Congratulations to Morgan Tomlinson and Norah Parker on signing their letters of intent today! They are both going to play softball. Morgan signed with Hutch and Norah signed with Allen. Go Vikings!
almost 2 years ago, Ben Packard
Some MV Freshmen got to attend the last session of the Flint Hills Tech College "Wrangler Rally" today at the FHTC campus. The purpose is to introduce students to programs that Vo-Tech's offer so that the students can make better college/career ready decisions. The students toured the Division of Arts: Graphic Arts Technology, Hospitality/Culinary Arts, and Multimedia Design. The students got to decorate cookies, manipulate videos, and print their own t-shirts. #MVFuture #MVCareer
almost 2 years ago, Jamey Hancock
Elementary Family Night will be on March 7th from 6-7:30 PM!
almost 2 years ago, Jarrod Taylor
Elementary Family Night
Some of our 2D, advanced art, and art 3D students enjoyed the privilege of learning from Lawrence artist Larry Brow who is a ceramic artist. His studio is Please Touch Pottery.
almost 2 years ago, Randy Wild
MV Forensics Placed 3rd overall at the Lyndon Tournament on Saturday! Congratulations to Morgan, Lexi, and Kenzie for qualifying for State Festival! GO VIKES!
almost 2 years ago, Jarrod Taylor
Our JH wrestlers have a busy couple days. They will be at Herington today and Council Grove tomorrow. Go Vikings!
almost 2 years ago, Ben Packard
The HS basketball teams travel to Riley County with the JV games starting at 4:30 today. The games will be streamed on Riley County's YouTube page. Go Vikings!
almost 2 years ago, Ben Packard
MV PTO would love help to complete our meals for Parent/Teacher Conferences this week. Please use the link to sign up! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080D4EAAA722A7F49-parent
almost 2 years ago, Amy Johnston
The MV Power Lifting Team brought back to "The Valley" some medals and a 2nd Place Plaque in the Junior Team Division. VIKING POWER! GO VIKINGS
almost 2 years ago, Bill Clark
Viking Powerlifters representing Mission Valley today at West Franklin. They are bring home some medals! VIKING POWER!
almost 2 years ago, Bill Clark
NHS Book Swap on Sunday
almost 2 years ago, Ben Packard
Final from Waverly in the Varsity Boys contest--(Bulldogs-39) (Vikings-52) GO VIKINGS
almost 2 years ago, Bill Clark